
Articles in peer-reviewed journals

2025 (with Astrid Van den Bossche & Morten Hansen): ‘Rankings are all bullsh*t anyway, why not do my own?’ Vloggers and genre remediation. OnlineFirst. New Media & Society. (see blog post here)

2023 (with Tobias Werron & Leopold Ringel): Theorizing together. Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory, OnlineFirst. Access Preprint.

2023 (with Julian Hamann & Leopold Ringel): The institutionalization of rankings in higher education: Continuities, interdependencies, engagement. Higher Education, 86(4), 719–731. (Introduction to the special issue by the same name.)

2023 (with Stefan Wilbers): The emergence of university rankings: A historical‑sociological account. Higher Education, 86(4), 733–750.

2022 (with Tobias Werron & Leopold Ringel): Spreading the gospel: Legitimating university rankings as boundary work. Research Evaluation, 31(4), 463–474.

2022 (with Brendan Cantwell): Making sense of change in higher education research: Exploring the intersection of science and policy. Higher Education, 84(6), 1207–1226.

2021 (with Julian Hamann & Leopold Ringel): Unfreiwillige Komplizenschaft: Wie wissenschaftliche Kritik zur Beharrungskraft von Hochschulrankings beiträgt [English: Involuntary Complicity: How Academia Contributes to the Persistence of University Rankings]. Laviathan, 49(38), 386–407. Access Preprint.

2020 (with Tobias Werron & Leopold Ringel): The Organizational Engine of Rankings: Connecting “New” and “Old” Institutionalism. Politics and Governance, 8(2), 36-47.

2019 (with Martina Vukasović & Julie Birkholz): Is the Europe of Knowledge the talk of the town? Exploring how members of the European Parliament refer to higher education. European Journal of Education, 54(1), 103–116. Access Preprint.

2018 (with Tobias Werron & Leopold Ringel): How Rankings Produce Competition: The case of global university rankings. Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 47(4), 270–288. Access Preprint.

2018: Between world culture and local context: The university as an empowered actor in national higher education governance. Acta Sociologica, 61(4), 374–388. Access Preprint.

2018: The status games they play: Unpacking the dynamics of organisational status competition in higher education. Higher Education, 75(4), 695–709. Access Preprint.

2017 (with Jelle Mampaey & Jeroen Huisman): Inter-institutional differences in defensive stakeholder management in higher education: The case of Serbia. Studies in Higher Education, 44(6), 978–989. Access Preprint.

2012 (with Dušan Spasojević & Jelena Kleut): Društvene promene, Bolonjski proces i treća misija Univerziteta u Srbiji [English: Societal Change, Bologna Process and the Third Mission of Universities in Serbia]. TEME, 36(3), 1157–1172. Access Preprint.

Peer-reviewed book chapters

Forthcoming (with Stefan Wilbers): Ranking. In A. Hines (Ed.), University Keywords. Johns Hopkins University Press. Access Preprint.

2025: Worlds of Rankings Research. In A. K. Krüger, T. Peetz, & H. Schäfer (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Valuation and Society. Routledge. Access Preprint.

2021: “Measure of Shame”: Media Career of the Global Slavery Index. In L. Ringel, W. Espeland, M. Sauder, & T. Werron (Eds.), Worlds of Rankings (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 74, pp. 103–125). Emerald Publishing Limited. Access Preprint.

2021 (with Leopold Ringel & Tobias Werron): Theorizing University Rankings by Comparison: Systematic and historical analogies with arts and sports. In E. Hazelkorn & G. Mihut (Eds.), Research Handbook on University Rankings: History, Methodology, Influence and Impact (pp. 67–79). Edward Elgar Publishing. Access Preprint.

2018: How Do Meta-organizations Affect Extra-organizational Boundaries? The Case of University Associations. In L. Ringel, P. Hiller, & C. Zietsma (Eds.), Towards Permeable Boundaries of Organizations? (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 57, pp. 259–281). Emerald Publishing Limited. Access Preprint.

2017 (with Martina Vukasovic): Partial Horizontal Differentiation in Croatian Higher Education: How Ideas, Institutions and Interests Shape the Policy Process. In H. F. de Boer, J. Huisman, J. File, M. Seeber, M. Vukasovic, & D. F. Westerheijden (Eds.), Policy Analysis of Structural Reforms in Higher Education: Processes and Outcomes (pp. 53–73). Palgrave Macmillan.

2014: Positioning of Private Higher Education Institutions in the Western Balkans: Emulation, Differentiation and Legitimacy Building. In J. Brankovic, M. Kovacevic, P. Maassen, B. Stensaker, & M. Vukasovic (Eds.), The Re-Institutionalization of Higher Education in the Western Balkans: The Interplay between European Ideas, Domestic Policies, and Institutional Practices (pp. 121–144). Peter Lang. Access Preprint.

Book reviews

2024: Stefan Arora-Jonsson, Nils Brunsson, Raimund Hasse, and Katarina Lagerström (Eds.): Competition: What It Is and Why It Happens. Oxford University Press, 2021. Organization Studies, 45(6), 903-906. Access Preprint.

2021: Scott M. Gelber, Grading the College: A History of Evaluating Teaching and Learning. John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, 2020. Higher Education Quarterly, 75(4), 693–696. Access Preprint.

Invited contributions, blog posts & op-eds

2025, February 26 (with Astrid Van den Bossche and Morten Hansen): What student vloggers teach us about university rankings. LSE Impact of Social Sciences.

2025, January 31: Student-led protests: Part of a broader fight for justice. University World News.

2025, January 28: Inside the student blockades in Serbia. Wonkhe.

2022, December 8: A Rankings Revolution? Hardly. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Access Preprint.

2021 (with Melina Aarnikoivu): The Making of Early Career Higher Education Researchers: An Open-Ended Experiment in Community Building. Internationalisation of Higher Education – Policy and Practice, 1/2021, 97–109. Access Preprint.

2021: Why Rankings Appear Natural (But Aren’t). Business & Society, 61(4), 801–806.

2021: Academia’s Stockholm Syndrome: The Ambivalent Status of Rankings in Higher Education (Research). International Higher Education, 107, 11–12.

2021, May 18: Have you ever thought about rankings as a social phenomenon, instead of just criticising them? On Think Tanks.

2021, March 22: The Absurdity of University Rankings. LSE Impact of Social Sciences.

2020, June 17: “Changing a university is like moving a graveyard”: A history of an analogy. ECHER Blog.

2020, June 6: Research on higher education research: A bibliography. ECHER Blog.

2020, March 11: So verrückt können Rankings sein. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

2018: Associations of Higher Education Institutions: Types, Trends and Implications. Higher Education in Russia and Beyond, 15(1), 13–14.

2014, June 20: Can We Address the “Mega” Issues? Why the Leadership of Public Universities Must Not Ignore the “Megatrend” Case. Balkanist.

Books edited

2014 (with Maja Kovacevic, Peter Maassen, Bjørn Stensaker & Martina Vukasovic): The Re-Institutionalization of Higher Education in the Western Balkans: The Interplay between European Ideas, Domestic Policies, and Institutional Practices. Peter Lang.

2014 (with Pavel Zgaga, Manha Klemenčič & Predrag Lažetić): Global Challenges, Local Responses in Higher Education. Roterdam: Sense/Brill.

2011 (with Norbert Šabić): Research policy, financing and performance: Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia in comparative perspective. Belgrade: Centre for Education Policy.