My work

My work at the moment revolves around two interconnected interests.

One is research, by which I mean that I systematically study, think about, collaborate and publish on the social phenomena that interest me and for which I believe to be important.

The questions that motivate much of my research could be phrased as follows: How do the ideas that most people take for granted become taken for granted in the first place? And what enables them to stay so, even when they are contested?

My research is primarily qualitative, case-oriented, and often also historically informed. This allows me to study a phenomenon in-depth, while drawing on diverse empirical methods and material, including documents, interviews, archives, and observations.

Currently, my research falls roughly into the following, partially overlapping, thematic areas:

  • Universities as organizational actors
  • Datafication and comparison of organizations
  • International and global governance

The other interest is writing. I am especially interested in what is conventionally known as “academic writing,” although I prefer to think of it as writing about complex things that is meant to be understood by a range of audiences, from highly specialized expert ones to lay.

I think of writing as a craft. As a non-native English speaker in an environment in which reading, speaking, and writing in English is a matter of professional survival, I have always been acutely interested in what it meant to put thoughts into written words. But also the other way round: how our reading and writing choices and habits shape our thinking.

To date, I have organized and co-organized writing workshops for early-career scholars, curated web pages with resources on academic writing, and helped dozens of BA, MA, and PhD students make their academic writing clearer, more effective, and nicer to read.